The Punch and Judy Man and Other Stories [click here to purchase]
Written and Published by Liane Smith in Association with The Broadie.
In aid of Porchlight: Kents largest charity for homeless and vulnerable people.
PORCHLIGHT - Changing Attitudes - Changing Lives
Porchlight helps people like Audrey.
For six horrendous months, she lived in a tent on one of Kent's beaches. It was freezing cold and terrifying.
On her first night outside, the sound of a car startled her so much she ran from her tent and thought her abusive ex-partner had found where she was. Over time, Audrey got more used to living on the streets, but her trust in people didn't return.
Thankfully, things changed when Audrey called Porchlight's helpline. It quickly got help to her and she's now safely inside, receiving support to rebuild her life.